Dab mat



The Ultimate Guide to Dab Mats for Concentrate Connoisseurs

Dab mats are an essential accessory for anyone who enjoys dabbing, providing a dedicated, safe, and convenient surface for handling sticky concentrates and protecting your dabbing area.

What is a Dab Mat?

A dab mat is a protective mat used as a base for dabbing rigs and tools. Typically made from silicone or other heat-resistant materials, dab mats are designed to withstand the high temperatures associated with dabbing and to keep your surfaces clean from sticky residues.

The Importance of a Dab Mat in the Dabbing Process

Protects Surfaces

Dab mats safeguard your furniture or countertops from heat damage and sticky residues from concentrates.

Non-Stick Surface

Silicone dab mats offer a non-stick surface, making it easier to handle and clean up concentrates.

Enhances Safety

Provides a stable base for your dab rig, reducing the risk of spills or accidents.

Types of Dab Mats

  • Silicone Mats: Popular due to their heat resistance and non-stick properties.
  • Fabric Mats: Often designed with stylish graphics, these mats can add personality to your dabbing space but may not offer the same protection as silicone.
  • Custom Mats: Customizable options are available for those who want a personalized touch in their dabbing area.

Choosing the Right Dab Mat

  1. Material: Look for heat-resistant materials like silicone for safety and ease of cleaning.
  2. Size: Ensure the mat is large enough to accommodate your rig and accessories.
  3. Design: Choose a design that reflects your style and enhances your dabbing environment.

Exploring Dab Mats in Los Angeles

For dabbing enthusiasts in Los Angeles, Atrium Dispensary offers a variety of dab mats to suit any style and need. The site provides a selection of materials, sizes, and designs, catering to both functional and aesthetic preferences. Visit their website to explore options and find the perfect dab mat for your dabbing setup in the Los Angeles area.


Dab mats are a simple yet essential tool for anyone who enjoys dabbing concentrates. They provide a safe, clean, and stylish way to enhance your dabbing experience. Whether you're a seasoned dabber or new to the scene, a good dab mat is an invaluable addition to your setup. For those in Los Angeles, Atrium Dispensary is your go-to destination for finding a wide range of dab mats that combine functionality with personal flair.