The Judge by Claybourne Co.: A Premium Indica Strain for the OG’s

Greetings, cannabis connoisseurs, trendsetters, and those simply in search of the crème de la crème of the cannabis world. 

Your search ends here. 

Allow me to introduce you to The Judge, an exceptional Indica strain from Claybourne Co. that has been knocking socks off all across the industry. 

This award-winning strain has set the bar high, and I am thrilled to share with you why this is the strain you've been waiting for.

The Gold Standard in Cannabis Cultivation

The Judge is part of Claybourne Co.'s esteemed Gold Cuts, the epitome of breeding and selection prowess. 

Gold Cuts are the gilded result of Claybourne's in-house breeding and selection program, where 10% of their facility is dedicated to growing unique genetics that go above and beyond industry standards. 

This painstaking selection process means that less than 1% of the strains trialed end up making the Gold Cut.

Meet The Judge

The Judge, the knockout punch of Claybourne Co., is an award-winning Indica strain with a distinct and unforgettable profile. 

This strain has been described as stern but fair, with an aroma that's a potent blend of citrus, pungent diesel, and a flavor profile offering notes of coffee and plum. 

Its lineage traces back to the legendary Chem Dawg strain, known for its rich, complex aroma.

Superior Quality and Potency

What sets The Judge apart is its exceptional potency. 

This strain is reported to be Claybourne Co.'s highest testing strain ever, an impressive feat in the world of cannabis. 

When you're lighting up The Judge, you're not just enjoying a superior quality strain; you're experiencing the heaviest that Claybourne Co. has to offer.

Award-Winning Excellence

The Judge isn't just a favorite among consumers; it's also critically acclaimed. 

In 2021, it won the 2nd Place for Best of Show Indoor Flower at the Harvest Cup. 

This strain has managed to capture the hearts of consumers and critics alike, further cementing its place as a standout in the cannabis industry.

Experience The Judge at Atrium Topanga

Now, where can you find this remarkable strain? 

Look no further than Atrium Topanga! We are not just a dispensary; we host luxury cannabis experiences that cater to those with high standards and a taste for gold cuts in life.

We believe in the power of education and the importance of sharing our passion for premium cannabis products. 

Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to guide you through our curated selection of products, ensuring that you find the perfect strain to suit your needs and preferences.

Whether you're a seasoned stoner, a curious influencer, or a discerning cannasseur, The Judge by Claybourne Co. is a strain that's sure to impress. 

With its award-winning quality, exceptional potency, and unique aroma and flavor profile, it's more than just a strain—it's a verdict. 

So why wait? Step into Atrium Topanga and elevate your cannabis journey with The Judge